Journey to finding hope and joy through grace freely given.
Never Forget
Never Forget

Never Forget

When tragedy strikes we mark each anniversary with a day of remembrance. You often see on Facebook “Never Forget” with a picture of the twin towers on 9/11. We mark December 7th to remember the attack at Pearl Harbor. But what about the event that took place approximately in 33 A.D.? We call it Easter.

Easter is remembered more, or so it seems, for the bunnies, easter eggs, and chocolate. I mean I love chocolate too but all it does is add to my weight. It does nothing for my soul. (Warning, I’m gonna step on toes here!) Even the churches have easter egg hunts and such. This is another example of the church allowing the world in. I get that churches use this to bring people in but sacrificing the truth is not the answer. Watering down Christianity so that it is more palatable is vile. That just creates lukewarm Christians.

We need to remember what was done for us on the cross. The sacrifice that took place. The beating. The mocking. The pain. The blood. The heartbreak of becoming sin for us and having the Father look away because He abhors sin.

2 Corinthians 5:21 God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

The cross is offensive. It’s supposed to be offensive. We can not and must not water that down. It is the harsh truth. The reality of what Jesus went through for us. We need to remember that Jesus died on that cross for us. As the old song goes “He could have called 10,000 angels to destroy the world and set Him free, He could have called 10,000 angels but He died alone for you and me.”

When we forget what Jesus did for us on the cross, we then miss out on His victory over death and the grave. We miss out on His grace and mercy. We miss out on the power that comes from the Holy Spirit. We miss out on a personal relationship with the Father.



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