Journey to finding hope and joy through grace freely given.
Hope, Joy and Grace


My hubby and I on a beach trip July 2020.

Hello all! My name is April Newbell. My husband, Bob and I live in Huntsville, Alabama with our fur-baby Betty, who is an 11 year old Jack Rat terrier. I also work with my husband in a family practice physician office. I am the office manager, so I run all aspects of the office and occasionally some hands on patient care.

This is my Betty, aka. Bettygirl. Ain’t she cute?

I began my writing journey in September 2017, I went on an intense 3 day spiritual walk. It was a life changing experience. I walked away from that weekend a changed woman with a renewed relationship with God. I began that weekend writing my thoughts down in a spiral bound notebook. Those words were my thoughts, feelings and prayers poured out in words to God. It wasn’t too long before I began writing a blog. Gratefully Broken was the name of that blog. I named it that as I am a broken vessel in need of a mighty Savior and for that and Him I am very grateful.

I began thinking on my life over the last several years and thinking where I am now in my walk with God as opposed to even five years ago. I still have a long way to go but I am not where I was. There is joy in that and the road ahead. That being said, it was time for a new blog style with a new name. So the birth of Hope, Joy and Grace.

I hope is that there is something in this blog that will inspire you. Something that will make you draw a little closer to God. Something that will help you to find joy in your journey. So settle in, we will be doing this thing together. We will learn and grow together. Strengthening one another as we press on. Feel free to send me a message and if you have a prayer request please let me know so I can pray for you.

Most of all, may God be glorified with every word that is written.

In His hands, by His grace, for His glory,
